Friday, January 25, 2008

Here's the basic idea:

I tossed this idea around with Michelle (Inspired Art) after that "lovely" learning experience we had on Tuesday night. I learn so much more from a dinner w/ photogs or a day/night out shooting, then I do at these fly-in/fly-out conferences.

So our thought was to do a workshop ourselves...meaning the ILP girls (oh and guys).....not me and Michelle We're thinking we could rent a conference room or maybe even studio in an area, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Traverse City, etc. We'd split the rental cost between everyone. (that would be the workshop "fee").

We'd have one day of sharing marketing items, photoshop tips, lightroom, work flow, lighting, ANYTHING. But EVERYONE would have to share something! If we did this on day 2 we could also have a critique. The other day would be for shooting. We could have an inside studio "session" going and an outdoors location session going.

We'd look to rent all kinds of models (or maybe get some good clients to volunteer). We're thinking babies, toddlers, kids, teens, brides, etc. We'd split the modeling costs as well.

Does this sound like something you'd like to do?

We're trying to figure out #1 the interest, and #2 dates that work for people.

I was thinking June (since it's definetly warm by then) mid-week. But we're open to any and all suggestions.

This workshop would be like a real-life day on ILP, LOL! Oh and I'm looking to contact vendors for small prizes if possible.