Friday, April 25, 2008

The Lenses

As you know, we're taking the opportunity to rent a bunch of lenses for us to all try out during the workshop. A HUGE thanks to Paul at LensProToGo for holding these lenses for our workshop :)

For the Canon Girls....

Tilt Shift
85 L

And for the Nikon Gals ....


We're LIVE!

Thanks to the great peeps at BluDomain, we now have a website for the workshop, oh and a name, LOL, I Shot Someone in Detroit.

Bookmark the site for updates :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Update, Again

Some people are having issues w/ email or I am. Here's another update!

Okay Girls.....

I tallied the list and it seems most preferred the Courtyard Downtown or didn't care. So I called and got a block of rooms for the Courtyard. I'm waiting on the information to arrive here (they mailed it, how old school!).

Here's the 411....they would only let me hold 5 rooms Sunday night, 10 rooms Monday night, and 5 rooms Tuesday night. Anything beyond that would require me to be financially responsible for the rooms not booked. They did say that if the 5 (or 10) rooms fill, they might be able to still give you the group rate.

The moral is....when I send off the booking info, book FAST! I think we only have the block saved for a certain amount of days as well. The rate will be $129/night. You don't HAVE to stay there, but that's where the partay will be, LOL!. And we need 10 rooms on Monday night to get that rate.

Next Pro Lab Express has asked if they can set up a display at our workshop. Michelle and I wanted to ask all of you. We don't want to get too commercial, LOL! Otherwise they will just send me some coupons and what not for our goodie bags. We have some awesome vendors hooking us up! Also we've heard that BluDomain is giving us a website to fill up w/ info as well. Michelle has worked up a logo. We're getting very "real". LOL!

If you haven't voted for the food options. Please go to the blog and vote! We're going to include lunch on Tuesday into the final cost.

And that is the last thing. Believe it or not, we're full! We set up for 35 people, and we've got 35. We're going to finalize costs VERY soon. Remember the cost is the actual cost divided by 35! So if you are on this list and backing out, please let us know NOW! Once we have the final cost published, you may need to look for someone to fill your spot. Michelle's goal was to keep costs under $100/ea.

Remember this isn't JSO people ;) There won't be people who don't know how to use a camera, etc.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

What do you want to eat?

Ok, since everyone is coming in and leaving at different times, you'll be on your own for food other than Day 2 in the studio. So what would you guys like?

So Day 1 - we'll be providing breakfast (coffee, bagels, etc) and while we're out shooting that day we'll break for lunch and everyone pays for their own meal. Same with Dinner.
Day 2 - Breakfast and lunch will be in the studio and worked into the final cost.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Another update...

This is similar to what was sent out via email.

We're going to plan a Sunday night dinner for those here by Sunday night.

We're going to book a 35 passenger party bus to do a photo safari on Monday night...woohoo!

We've got donations (coupons and door prizes) pouring in! It'll be exciting to see all this cool stuff from some really cool vendors!

We're looking to rent some fun Nikon and Canon lenses for everyone to try out while at the workshop.

I'm still working on lodging, you can check here for updates, hopefully SOON!