Monday, June 2, 2008

Time to pay up!

Okay the time is here....we've got our total number of people, 32, and we've got the tally for the bus and shirts. So now it's time to pay and fill out one last survey!

You MUST fill out this survey. It will let us know what to order for lunch, shirts, and lenses ;)

I figured the costs for the workshop based on what you are doing/buying...

Just the workshop? $67.80
Workshop + bus? $83.05
Workshop + shirt? $78.80
The whole shabang (workshop, bus, shirt)? $93.30

The cost of the workshop was spilt equally and is our actual costs! So at this time we ask if you have to back you, you either need to fill your spot w/ someone else, or else simply pay. It isn't fair now to back out!

You can paypal me the money to

Please visit the survey and answer as well...

please pay ASAP. We need to place the shirt order by Wednesday!

Monday, May 19, 2008


I putting this on the blog incase people don't get the email!

I know I've asked 100 times. But here's what I need to know NOW!

Michelle and I are finalizing the cost as we're now having to pay and order things. We've set the pricing at 35 and you are the 35! Please let us know NOW (as we have a small waiting list) if you can't make it. We will need to fill your slot ASAP!

I need to know will you want a shirt?
Girlie Style?
Regular Style (think mens)?

Will you be on the bus?
Bringing anyone (I need hard numbers, obviously this is subject to availability)?

Once I have a hard total on shirts I can finalize the pricing. The more people, the cheaper the shirts (as we have to pay a set-up screen print fee).

Same for the bus, I need an exact amount so we can tally the total on the bus!

Once we finalize those numbers, we will send out a detailed list of prices. We didn't want people buying shirts or paying for the bus if they didn't want those items. So we are trying to be fair and divide the workshop by 35 and the bus/shirts by actual numbers.

So please REPLY ASAP! I'd like to have ALL answers by Wednesday at noon if possible!

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Lenses

As you know, we're taking the opportunity to rent a bunch of lenses for us to all try out during the workshop. A HUGE thanks to Paul at LensProToGo for holding these lenses for our workshop :)

For the Canon Girls....

Tilt Shift
85 L

And for the Nikon Gals ....


We're LIVE!

Thanks to the great peeps at BluDomain, we now have a website for the workshop, oh and a name, LOL, I Shot Someone in Detroit.

Bookmark the site for updates :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Update, Again

Some people are having issues w/ email or I am. Here's another update!

Okay Girls.....

I tallied the list and it seems most preferred the Courtyard Downtown or didn't care. So I called and got a block of rooms for the Courtyard. I'm waiting on the information to arrive here (they mailed it, how old school!).

Here's the 411....they would only let me hold 5 rooms Sunday night, 10 rooms Monday night, and 5 rooms Tuesday night. Anything beyond that would require me to be financially responsible for the rooms not booked. They did say that if the 5 (or 10) rooms fill, they might be able to still give you the group rate.

The moral is....when I send off the booking info, book FAST! I think we only have the block saved for a certain amount of days as well. The rate will be $129/night. You don't HAVE to stay there, but that's where the partay will be, LOL!. And we need 10 rooms on Monday night to get that rate.

Next Pro Lab Express has asked if they can set up a display at our workshop. Michelle and I wanted to ask all of you. We don't want to get too commercial, LOL! Otherwise they will just send me some coupons and what not for our goodie bags. We have some awesome vendors hooking us up! Also we've heard that BluDomain is giving us a website to fill up w/ info as well. Michelle has worked up a logo. We're getting very "real". LOL!

If you haven't voted for the food options. Please go to the blog and vote! We're going to include lunch on Tuesday into the final cost.

And that is the last thing. Believe it or not, we're full! We set up for 35 people, and we've got 35. We're going to finalize costs VERY soon. Remember the cost is the actual cost divided by 35! So if you are on this list and backing out, please let us know NOW! Once we have the final cost published, you may need to look for someone to fill your spot. Michelle's goal was to keep costs under $100/ea.

Remember this isn't JSO people ;) There won't be people who don't know how to use a camera, etc.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

What do you want to eat?

Ok, since everyone is coming in and leaving at different times, you'll be on your own for food other than Day 2 in the studio. So what would you guys like?

So Day 1 - we'll be providing breakfast (coffee, bagels, etc) and while we're out shooting that day we'll break for lunch and everyone pays for their own meal. Same with Dinner.
Day 2 - Breakfast and lunch will be in the studio and worked into the final cost.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Another update...

This is similar to what was sent out via email.

We're going to plan a Sunday night dinner for those here by Sunday night.

We're going to book a 35 passenger party bus to do a photo safari on Monday night...woohoo!

We've got donations (coupons and door prizes) pouring in! It'll be exciting to see all this cool stuff from some really cool vendors!

We're looking to rent some fun Nikon and Canon lenses for everyone to try out while at the workshop.

I'm still working on lodging, you can check here for updates, hopefully SOON!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

What do you want to learn?

Ok, here's a new survey based on what you'd like to learn at this workshop. Once we have everyone's answers, we'll start a sign-up sheet for you to choose what you'd like to teach/talk about.

Click HERE for the new survey.


Hey Everyone,
A quick update, if you didn't catch the post on ILP awhile back. Here are a couple of photos of the studio we'll have to shoot in.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Official Registration

Yes, you must sign up again even if you already emailed us!

CLICK HERE to fill out the registration form.

Schedule for June 16 & 17 - Detroit, MI -Optional Third Day!

Michigan 2008 Workshop - Photographers teaching photographers

June 16 & 17 - Detroit, MI

Attendance limited to 30 people

The Concept

One day of free for all shooting in downtown Detroit, possibly studio. Kids, Brides, and Senior models
One day of critique, marketing, post processing and conversation.

The Schedule
Day 1• 9am - 10am - Breakfast and meeting time - Chance for everyone to introduce themselves and talk about shooting concepts
• 10am - 1 or 2pm - Kids shoots around downtown and in studio
• 2pm - Lunch
• 3pm - More Kids, then Senior and Bridal models
• People can stay and shoot as long as they want/as long as we have the models
• Everyone goes home/to hotel and chooses 5 - 10 of their best images for critique and post-processing the next day

Day 2
Hotel Conference Room or someone's studio - 10am
Go over images from Day 1
Everyone gives CC
Things to discuss:
• Photoshop Tips and tricks
• Lightroom
• Workflow
• Textures/Actions/Presets/Retouching
• Marketing & Pricing
• Boutique Studio style
• Selling the experience
• Branding
• Gear & Software (the good and the "don't waste your money")
And whatever else you want to discuss!

What to Bring
• Camera and Fav. Lenses
• Flash and pocket wizard if you have them and want to use them
• Notepad
• Laptop (optional)
• Examples of your marketing materials, pricelists, forms, products, etc

Day 3 (optional)
Half or full day of shooting in Ann Arbor - more details to come soon

Friday, January 25, 2008

Here's the basic idea:

I tossed this idea around with Michelle (Inspired Art) after that "lovely" learning experience we had on Tuesday night. I learn so much more from a dinner w/ photogs or a day/night out shooting, then I do at these fly-in/fly-out conferences.

So our thought was to do a workshop ourselves...meaning the ILP girls (oh and guys).....not me and Michelle We're thinking we could rent a conference room or maybe even studio in an area, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Traverse City, etc. We'd split the rental cost between everyone. (that would be the workshop "fee").

We'd have one day of sharing marketing items, photoshop tips, lightroom, work flow, lighting, ANYTHING. But EVERYONE would have to share something! If we did this on day 2 we could also have a critique. The other day would be for shooting. We could have an inside studio "session" going and an outdoors location session going.

We'd look to rent all kinds of models (or maybe get some good clients to volunteer). We're thinking babies, toddlers, kids, teens, brides, etc. We'd split the modeling costs as well.

Does this sound like something you'd like to do?

We're trying to figure out #1 the interest, and #2 dates that work for people.

I was thinking June (since it's definetly warm by then) mid-week. But we're open to any and all suggestions.

This workshop would be like a real-life day on ILP, LOL! Oh and I'm looking to contact vendors for small prizes if possible.