Friday, February 8, 2008

Schedule for June 16 & 17 - Detroit, MI -Optional Third Day!

Michigan 2008 Workshop - Photographers teaching photographers

June 16 & 17 - Detroit, MI

Attendance limited to 30 people

The Concept

One day of free for all shooting in downtown Detroit, possibly studio. Kids, Brides, and Senior models
One day of critique, marketing, post processing and conversation.

The Schedule
Day 1• 9am - 10am - Breakfast and meeting time - Chance for everyone to introduce themselves and talk about shooting concepts
• 10am - 1 or 2pm - Kids shoots around downtown and in studio
• 2pm - Lunch
• 3pm - More Kids, then Senior and Bridal models
• People can stay and shoot as long as they want/as long as we have the models
• Everyone goes home/to hotel and chooses 5 - 10 of their best images for critique and post-processing the next day

Day 2
Hotel Conference Room or someone's studio - 10am
Go over images from Day 1
Everyone gives CC
Things to discuss:
• Photoshop Tips and tricks
• Lightroom
• Workflow
• Textures/Actions/Presets/Retouching
• Marketing & Pricing
• Boutique Studio style
• Selling the experience
• Branding
• Gear & Software (the good and the "don't waste your money")
And whatever else you want to discuss!

What to Bring
• Camera and Fav. Lenses
• Flash and pocket wizard if you have them and want to use them
• Notepad
• Laptop (optional)
• Examples of your marketing materials, pricelists, forms, products, etc

Day 3 (optional)
Half or full day of shooting in Ann Arbor - more details to come soon

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